Chief Engineer License # 109 E
Examining Engineer License # 30 E
EPA Refrigerant Recovery Examiner # ---270
Waste Water Treatment License # 015193 (Retired testing)
National Board Commission Number 13515
Commission IS Endorsement R
Professional Associations:
The Georgia State Association of Power Engineers
ESCO Environmental Training Institute
Ferris State University (Exam Proctor)
The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessels
Air Conditioning Contractors of America
The Georgia Association of Water Professionals
Work Experience:
- Currently working part time for the Georgia State Fire Marshal's office.
- Retired Boiler inspector for Georgia State Fire Marshal's Office July 2017
- Safety engineering inspector for Georgia Department of labor from July 2007 to July 2012
- Part time Instructor of Power Engineering at Clayton State University since June 2010
- Part time Instructor of Power Plant Technology at
Atlanta Technical College from fall of 1993 to winter 2009
- Retired Ford Motor Company Stationary Engineer (29 years)
Responsible for the operation, maintenance and repair of
3 Wicks 225 psig 1040 HP boilers, 5 Bryan 15 psig boilers,
2 Clever Brooks fire tube hot water boilers,
air compressors, refrigeration systems, cooling towers and
water treatment.
(3 years active duty; 2 years active reserves; 1 year inactive
-Boiler Technician "A" school US Navy at Great Lakes, Illinois
-Served on USS Bordelon DD 881
(600 psig "M" type boilers 2-Steam Turbines produced 60,000 SHP)
-Served on USS Mayhan DDG 42
(1200 psig "D" type boilers 2-Steam Turbines produced 85,000 SHP)
-Served during reserves on the USS Pratt DDG 44
(1200 psig "D" type boilers 2-Steam Turbines produced 85,000 SHP)